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Welcome to These are the first steps to get started.

I'm so excited to see you here! Now you have full access to the AI Bootcamp and you'll receive my newsletter, the newsletter, every Saturday morning at 7 am ET. My mission is to help you become a better AI practitioner – even a professional AI expert if you aspire to that.

There are THREE steps you can take right now...

1. Learn AI in 15 days

Join my 15-day Generative AI email course, and learn with just 5 minutes a day. You'll receive concise daily lessons focused on practical business applications. It is perfect for quickly learning and applying core AI concepts.

Start 2024 Learning Generative AI


Every week on write about AI, I dive into the specifics of how the world's best AI experts implement innovative solutions and share best practices and concepts. I've been writing for years and these are some of my most posts:

3. Watch my interviews

If you're more of a video person, check out my interviews!

I'm learning a ton from these interviews that I'm applying to my OWN AI Projects right now and I know you will too.

My goal is to talk to AI Experts and practitioners and share new products and best practices to accelerate the adoption of AI. For example, check out my interview with Jon Reilly, Co-Founder of Akkio:

Interview with Jon, co-founder of Akkio

A bit about me

I'm a Spaniard living the dream in California. I work as a Director of Data Science and Machine Learning at IBM. I’m also a founder, investor, tennis professor, and father of two! It's been quite a journey since I started working in the AI field 10+ years ago!

I decided to start to explain how I like to approach and simplify AI.

Thanks again for joining my weekly newsletter, and I'll see you on Sunday mornings.


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