
Top No-code AI Product Announcements in 2021

In: Tools

As big tech companies announce new AI products, it can be hard to keep track of what's really going on in the world of AI. But fear not! Here is a recap of the biggest no-code AI product announcements from companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft. With these tools, you'll be able to start building your own AI products in no time!

IBM and Palantir launched one way to deploy AI-based  applications

IBM and Palantir teamed up to simplify how businesses deploy AI-based applications. The new offering called Palantir for IBM Cloud Pak for Data, combined the No-code/low-code environment from Palantir for building AI applications with the Machine Learning capabilities from IBM Watson.

IBM adds new No-code features to Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant is the No-code tool that lets you build conversational interfaces into any application. The new version provides a completely new experience, focusing on using actions to help build customer conversations. It is designed to make it very simple for anybody to build a virtual assistant and guide you through the process of the build, testing, publishing, and analyzing results.

IBM Watson Assistant conversational interface

IBM Adds Time Series Forecasting to No-code AutoML tool

IBM AutoAI is the AutoML service from IBM Watson. In their latest release, they added support for Time Series, to help predict future activity over a specified date/time range. This method allows users to automatically build forecast models that use historical observations to predict future values.

IBM AutoAI Time Series new capability

Amazon launched SageMaker Canvas

Just a few weeks ago, Amazon entered the No-code AI space with the announcement of Sagemaker Canvas. Built on top of the popular SageMaker, the Machine Learning platform on AWS. With this tool, it is possible to build and deploy Machine Learning models and reduce the dependence on technical skills.

New No-code AI tool from AWS, Sagemaker Canvas

New No-code AI tool from AWS, Sagemaker Canvas

Microsoft released AI Builder as part of the Power Apps suite

Power Apps is the No-code application builder from Microsoft. This 2021, they announced the AI builder, which allows you to add intelligence to your apps and integrate AI models. Use cases vary from text processing, computer vision, predicting business outcomes, or analyzing customer sentiment. Within the new AI Builder, it is possible to quickly train models as well.

Microsoft AI Builder in Power Apps Suite

Azure GPT-3 service

GPT-3 is one of the highlights of the year for its capabilities in dealing with Text. Now Microsoft Azure users can use the new Azure OpenAI service which combines GPT-3 language models with Azure’s enterprise features. In 2019, Microsoft invested $1 billion in OpenAI, and then in 2020, they bought an exclusive license to offer it in their products.

Google announced Bot-in-a-Box for the No-Code Conversational platform

Google offers a No-code AI tool to create enterprise conversational AI called Dialog Flow. They used their own technology to create Bot-in-a-Box, which is integrated with Business Messages and allows businesses to respond accurately within Google Search and Google Maps, among other channels.

Bot-in-a-box capabilities in Dialogflow

Google offers Machine Learning models for no-code app builder

Google AppSheet is a No-code App Development platform that allows users to quickly build mobile and desktop applications using their existing data. This 2021, they released the capability of integrating models built with Google Cloud AI and ML.

No-code App builder in Google AppSheet now with ML integration

Apple announced Trinity, a No-code AI platform for spatial datasets

In July 2021, Apple presented in their Machine Learning Research blog Trinity, a platform with the main design goal of enabling Machine Learning experts and non-technical geospatial domain experts to experiment with signals and datasets to solve complex problems. It enables fast prototyping and experimentation. You can read the full paper here.

Categories of users for Trinity

Bright future for No-code AI with all these investments 🚀

The No-code AI features are getting a lot of traction, for both startups but also big companies. Gartner shared that the market has been valued at a total of 13.8 billion USD this 2021, and is predicting that by the end of 2025, 50% of all new low-code clients will be non-IT organization buyers.

Written by
Armand Ruiz
I'm a Director of Data Science at IBM and the founder of I love to play tennis, cook, and hike!
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